I9 iPhone Clone Review

Recently, the CECT i9 as the new darling of the iPhone clones imported. It 'exceeded the P168 and is the band version, the most (the top dog for a very long time) refuse Quad sold. But is it really as good as all the hype? It is so much better than the original iClone? It's worth the money? In this article we will try to answer all these questions and give you an overview of the iPhone i9.

First of all, I'm just going to come right out and say thatYes, in my opinion, the i9 is much better than the old one, why the original 168th. The original was a great phone, and it was the closest thing to the original version that was out there, but the i9 is even closer. There are several reasons and I discuss them all, but probably the most convincing is that the new Java support, which means that you can download software from third-party applications that can greatly expand the phone is designed to download. Many of them, because it allowsWindows applications is lacking before. Do you have Outlook, MSN, Excel, PowerPoint, and thousands of others, as well as games and applications that simply were not possible.

The 9-model also has more memory available. The original could extend up to 2 GB. This can take up to 8 GB. Previously, it was really rare to see a pack much of a stamp. It is seen most often sold with 4 GB, but that is beginning to change, as we see more and more the 8GB modelis offered.

In terms of appearance, the i9 mobile phone looks more like a younger generation. It 's a good deal thinner, smaller and lighter and is the least cumbersome of all bids so far.

It 's also a quad-band, or even if you are one of the few people on the 850 MHz band, it's pretty good with this phone. It 's almost all GSM networks and carrier covered. There are not many places or many networks that this phone can go. All the big names are coveredAmazon.de.

This phone also includes "shake and tilt" function to control the original iClone did not have. Then you can connect your phone first and edit the image with your hand on your wrist. It 's very intuitive and many people prefer this to roll around.

The last reason that I think is as a sale of the phone because they are lively i9 dual sim active. " This means that you do not have to switch back and forth between the two - both can be online atonce. You can surf the Internet and talk at the same time. Do not miss any calls.

Of course, this new phone has all the standard features, in addition to updates. And 'good enough at this point that these phones allow web browsing, messaging, movies and music known. It also includes an integrated camera / web cam, e-Book Reader, Bluetooth and FM radio.

In monetary terms, the cost i9 is not much more than the original. You can often find them in low$ 100 range. Considering everything you always, my post: yes, a great phone, it is absolutely worth the money if you are looking for a clone is what you do.


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